Ensure you only have one headset enabled
You must ensure only the headset the candidate will be using for the test is enabled on the computer, and no other headphones or microphones.
It is common for Laptops to have built-in speakers and microphones. These will need to be disabled for the test.
Please find steps for checking this for your Operating System here:
Windows 7, 8.1 & 10
Follow these steps to ensure only the headset is enabled:
1. Ensure the headset to be used for the test is plugged into the computer
2. In the Windows Task Bar, Right Click on the Speaker Icon
3. Click Playback devices
4. This will display a list of the audio playback devices on this computer. Right click on any devices that are not the headset the candidate will use, and click Disable.
5. Only the headset should be left enabled
6. Click on the Recording tab to see the recording devices on this computer. Similar to the above steps, if there are any other recording devices, they will need to be disabled before the test.
Re-enabling devices
1. If you need to re-enable any other devices after the test, right-click in the window and click Show Disabled Devices
2. Right Click on the required device and click Enable
Apple Macs
1. Open Settings then the Sound option
2. Select any microphones that will not be used for the test and mute them by sliding the Input volume to the left. Once this is done you should only have the microphone of the headset required for the test enabled.
3. Select the headset you will use for the test and set the Input volume to maximum.
Adjust PC and Headset Volume
There are two places where the volume of the test can be controlled. You will need to ensure the volume is turned up in all of these locations and remains at a suitable level throughout the test:
- PC's / Laptop's volume - ensure this is set to a suitable level before starting the test
- Volume controls physically on the headset - ensure this is set to a suitable level before starting the test
Check the headset is not muted
The headset will need to be unmuted throughout the test to work.
Check the headset can record
You can check the headset itself is working correctly by recording your voice in another program. For example, the Sound Recorder program in Windows or Quicktime on a Mac.
Microphone Position
Ensure the microphone is neither too far or too close from the candidate's mouth.
Recording Start
Ensure candidates are aware they need to wait for the recording to start before they speak their answer. The test will prompt them when the recording starts.
Third Party Sound Controller Applications
Please note if you have any Third Party Sound Controller Applications installed, the settings on there can conflict with your browser and prevent the headset from working. If this is the case, you will need to ensure the settings are correct or disable this application.
This is an example screenshot of one of these applications:
Next Step: Sound Check
Everything should now be setup for the test. The Sound Check page will verify everything is working correctly.
Please click Next below to continue.
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