These instructions are applicable for the Linguaskill Speaking Test only.
The speaking test uses HTML5 and so a compatible browser must be used to run the test. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are compatible and supported browsers.
Microsoft Internet Explorer is not compatible with HTML5 so cannot be used for the Speaking Test.
Before candidates start the exam, the headset must be configured as shown in this guide to ensure the test runs correctly. We recommend checking the settings on each computer yourself before the candidates arrive to minimize the chance of anything being set incorrectly.
Failure to do this may mean the candidate’s Speaking responses are not recorded.
Headset Setup
The headset to be used for the test must be the only one enabled for the computer.
The volume on the computer, and on the headset must be set to a suitable level. The headset must not be muted.
Please view this article for instructions on how to set this up:
Sound Check
Once everything has been setup, the candidate can use the Sound Check screen to ensure their headset can play and record audio at a suitable level.
Please view this article for instructions on this:
Speaking Test Setup Diagnostic Tool
At the bottom of any page on Metrica is a link to the Speaking Test Setup Diagnostics Tool.
This can be used at any time to check your Operating System and Browser are compatible with the test.
Further Support
If the recording is failing, please view the Speaking Test Setup Troubleshooting Guide for further assistance.
If you are unable to get the recording to work after following these steps, please contact us for further assistance on:
+44(0) 1223 553997
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