Our Special Arrangements procedures and materials have been created and set up with expert consideration for candidates’ needs and to give them the best possible opportunity to demonstrate their ability. There are a number of ways to help candidates take the test who have special requirements, such as:
- Visual difficulties
- Hearing difficulties
- Speech difficulties
- Additional extra time.
Offline (paper-based) arrangements we can provide are listed below:
- Braille question booklets and text booklets in contracted or uncontracted versions for blind candidates
- Enlarged question booklets and text booklets for visually impaired candidates
- Special Requirements version of the Listening test with audio file or CD for blind or visually impaired candidates or candidates with special requirements
- Lip-reading version of the Listening test for hearing impaired candidates
- Taking the Reading or Listening tests as individual components.
Online modified adaptive Reading and Listening version
We can now offer an online modified adaptive Reading and Listening version suitable for candidates who need extra time for example, dyslexic candidates. None of the tasks in the online modified version require candidates to spell out answers.
Please note that this test version still uses the play button functionality to accommodate students requiring extra time. In addition, this test should not be used with a timer. (In this communication we detailed the decision to remove the play button.)
The Linguaskill test is unable to support the use of accessibility software (this includes screen readers and screen magnification software).
For hearing impaired candidates, who would rather not take the online listening test, there is an option to take the Reading only online test, which is adaptive, but does not have the Listening component.
How to apply for a Special Arrangement version taken online
For special arrangements versions taken online and which permit candidates extra time, please ensure that you submit the application form below, at the bottom of this article, at least two UK working days before you are planning to run the test.
You will receive an email with specific instructions on session and entry set up depending on the type of test requested.
A Special Arrangement session will be visible in your list of available sessions within two UK working days. You can then make the candidate entry with test credits and generate the entry code, as per standard practice.
Candidates that use filters, which may include tinted glasses and/or computer filters, can use these to access the Linguaskill test and this is an acceptable and reasonable adjustment.
Candidates can test the compatibility of the filters that they use with the Linguaskill practice tests which are available on our website here.
How to apply for Special Arrangement version taken offline (Paper-based)
To request special arrangements, then you will need to submit the Linguaskill Special Arrangements application form below.
If the Special Requirement means the test must be taken offline (paper-based), then please submit the form at least three weeks before the date you are planning to run the test.
For offline (paper-based) versions, we will usually provide you with a link to a secure online file where the documents/audio files needed will be available to download or print off for use on the test day. All printed documents must be securely stored before the test.
Paper versions will usually only be sent by post in cases where this is necessary, such as Braille versions.
For offline paper-based versions of the speaking test, please note that the Speaking Interlocutor is managed by the institutions which are administered through Linguaskill Agents. Further instructions can be found in section 5.3 onwards of the Interlocutor's Booklet. This booklet will be provided with the materials for the test.
The candidate will sit the test offline (paper-based). The process for uploading the results to Metrica varies for each skill, and you will be advised of the process in the email confirmation.
Return all material and hard copies of the candidate responses to Cambridge Assessment, and destroy any documents and printed documents provided for taking the test. Copies must not be kept once the test date has passed.
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