Important information:
The Bulk Entry Import method is useful if you want to input candidate details into the system and have a large number of candidates to enter. It may be useful if you have your own candidate records that can generate a CSV file of their details. Once they've been imported, an entry code will be generated for each candidate that they can use to access the test.
Please ensure a unique username is used for each different candidate under your Institution ID (including candidates at different Client venues). If the same username is used, it will link the account with any tests previously done under that username.
We suggest using a naming convention for the usernames to ensure they are unique, such as 'ClientName_TestDate_Cand001' for example.
Please take note of the following when setting your candidate's usernames and passwords:
Supported Characters for Candidate Username
Unsupported characters |
! £ " # $ % ' ( ) * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~ & |
Characters that are supported by default |
@(at) _(underscore) -(hyphen) .(full-stop) |
Supported diacritic characters |
À,Á,Â,Ã,Ä,Å,Æ,Ç,È,É,Ê,Ë,Ì,Í,Î,Ï,Ð,Ñ,Ò,Ó,Ô.Õ,Ö,Ø,Ù,Ú,Û,Ü,Ý,Þ,ß , à,á,â,ã,ä,å,æ,ç,è,é,ê,ë,ì,í,î,ï,ð,ñ,ò,ó,ô,õ,ö,ø,ù,ú,û,ü,ý,þ,ÿ,a,ā,Ă,ă,Ą,ą, |
Number of Characters Allowed |
Minimum: 1 Maximum: 500 |
Suggested Combinations for Passwords
Passwords in Metrica have very few restrictions, unlike candidate logins. As long as the candidate password you create contains at least eight (8) characters including one (1) upper case and one (1) number, the system will accept the combination.
How to use the Bulk Entry Import
1. Log into the Cambridge English Test Portal.
2. Click Sessions.
3. Locate the session you wish to import candidates into and click the Session Name
4. Click on Add Entries
5. The Bulk Entry Import form will appear.
6. Select which parameters you wish to upload. Only Username is mandatory.
7. Your file to upload must contain the same parameters that you select on the form. In this example, all fields have been selected, so they all appear in the file.
You can download a template using the Download template link on the form, or create your own
If you just wanted to upload the Username and Password for example, your form and excel file would need to look similar to this:
8. Once you've created your file to import, navigate to Save As, and select the file type Excel Workbook
9. At the bottom of the Bulk Entry Import form, click Select under the Upload file heading.
10. Navigate to the file you wish to upload, select it and click Open.
11. Once you've selected the file, click Upload
12. A window will pop up advising the file has been uploaded. Click OK.
13. The entry codes may not appear in Metrica immediately, depending on the number of candidates. It will upload in the background and a notification will pop up in the top bar in Metrica once the candidate entries have been imported. Once this notification appears, click on the Notification icon. You will also receive an email when the import is complete.
14. You must confirm the candidate details before they appear in the session. To do this, click on review.
15. Check the details are correct, then click OK.
16. A window pops up informing you the upload is in progress. Click OK.
17. Whilst the upload is in progress, a screen will appear advising so. Once the above completes, another notification will appear at the top bar. Click on the Notification icon once it appears. You will also receive an email when the upload is complete.
18. This notification will advise the import has been completed successfully. Click review.
19. The candidates now appear in the session.
Once you have added your entries you will be ready to run the tests.
If you want these candidates to be entered for other components (Reading and Listening, Writing, Speaking), then you need to upload the same CSV file to the corresponding session for that component.
Instructions for generating the candidate login information or withdrawing any entries you want to remove from the session can be found here.
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