What is an Entry Code?
An entry code is a unique code you generate for your candidates so they can access the test portal. The candidate enters their entry code on the test portal home page.
Before the test starts, the candidate will be prompted to enter their details. This creates their account in the portal.
This method is useful for creating a large number of entries quickly, without having to input the candidate details yourself. Candidate's input their own details into a form before starting the test.
If a candidate is taking more than one test or component they can use multiple entry codes. When they enter their personal details the portal will detect whether they already have an account and will add the new test to their existing account.
Candidates must ensure that they enter their email address and phone number accurately to make sure that any new tests are added to their existing account.
You can upload up to 500 entries at one time using this method. Additional entries can be added to the session using the same method if required.
How do I make entries using entry codes?
To enter candidates using entry codes follow the instructions below:
1. Log into the Cambridge English Test Portal
URL: https://www.metritests.com/metrica
2. Click Sessions
3. Click on the name of the session
4. Click Add Entries
5. On the Entry Codes tab enter the number of entry codes you'd like to create
6. Click Create Codes
7. A success message will appear to confirm how many entry codes you have generated and how many test credits you have remaining
8. Click on the Download Entry Codes link to download a list of the entry codes in a CSV file
You can see all your entries by clicking View Session Entries or click Add More Entries if you would like to add more to your session.
Once you have added your entries you will be ready to run some tests.
Instructions for generating the candidate log in information, or withdrawing any entries you want to remove from the session can be found here.
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