These tutorials will go through the candidate experience for the Reading & Listening, Writing and Speaking tests.
Please note - the test content cannot be displayed in this tutorial, but it does show how each test component is started and finished.
Candidate Test Experience
1. Log into the Cambridge English Test Portal
Candidates log into the test using the details provided by their institution. This login may be an Entry code or a Username and Password.
2. The candidate will need to check the tick-box to accept the term and conditions, and then click the continue button to proceed.
3. All of the tests available for the candidate to take under the login provided by the agent will appear here. The candidate can click on the test they wish to start.
4. Once they've clicked on a test, they will be asked to fill in their details. It is important candidates enter their details the same for each test they do to receive a single Test Report with all their tests on.
5. Once they've filled in their details and clicked Submit, the candidate can then click on Open to start the test.
6. The Reading and Listening test then has a Sound Check page to ensure the audio can be clearly heard. Once done, they can click on the right arrow at the bottom right of the screen to continue.
7. The Speaking test has a Sound and Microphone Check page to ensure the audio can be heard and recorded successfully. Once done, they can click on the right arrow at the bottom right of the screen to continue.
Further instructions on setting up the Speaking Test can be found here.
8. The instructions for the specific test will appear. Once done, they can click on the right arrow at the bottom right of the screen to continue.
9. All the candidate setup steps are now complete and candidates can then click Start to begin the test.
10. Once a test is completed, it will show as Completed on their home page. If there are any other tests for them to do, they will show on the home page.
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